
Monday, November 15, 2010


I've just watched MEGAMIND and I can say it was AWESOME!
I HEART superhero movies! And I love how the superhero protect the town and his special one *his girlfriend of course ;)*
I wanted to be like Mary-Jane who have Spiderman, Lois Lane who have Superman, and so on.
The other side, I wanted to be like umm more rude.. like Hit Girl, or Cat Woman, or it can be Wonder Woman :D . Because sometimes I think being woman with superpower is way more COOL than just having shield behind her superman. Well, it only happen sometimes :P

Then, from this movie, I found new MUSE. Roxanne Ritchie. Smart yet sexy is two words that can explain. I love how she can always stay COOL and CALM and the way she use her words. 'Cus I always adore people who can play with words. Uh, I heart ya, Roxanne! :D
Roxanne Ritchie

But since I have my own HERO ,that is my FAMILY, my FRIENDS and of course my SPECIAL ONE. I have to say that I'm so GRATEFUL to have you all in my life :)


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