
Tuesday, November 01, 2011

02 November 2011

Wish your wishes come true my dear.
Have a great day, have a great year. Enjoy today, it's all yours birthday boy! :)
I love you <3

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Green Lantern

Hello, last Sunday I just watched Green Lantern. Review and picture soon. Because I'm sleepy right now :O
Night beautiful universe :)

Friday, October 07, 2011

How Public Health Serves People

I laughed when I checked my phone this morning. My girl has texted me remembering to post something in this blog. (Thanks dearest cicha :D) And since I'm in my hectic week with those class to attend I guess I don't have any fun activities so far, unless you count go to college is fun activities.
So here I'm wanna show you one of my paper I did for Health Administration subject, I know it's far from perfect, please forgive me.

Praktik Public Health di Masyarakat

Sebagai seorang praktisi Public Health sudah selayaknya untuk mengabdi pada masyarakat, khususnya dalam bidang kesehatan. Dalam menjalankan tugas dan memberikan sumbangsihnya pada Negara, ada tugas-tugas pokok yang harus dilaksanakan. Berikut akan dibahas tentang tugas-tugas tersebut.

Pertama, memantau status kesehatanuntuk mengetahui dan menyelesaikan masalah kesehatan di masyarakat. Hingga saat ini, Indonesia masih mengalami cukup banyak masalah kesehatan baik itu merupakan re-emerging disease, penyakit yang seharusnya sudah musnah lama namun kembali lagi menjangkiti manusia, maupun dari new emerging disease, penyakit-penyakit baru yang ada dikarenakan berbagai faktor disebabkan oleh manusia. Masalah-masalah ini butuh dibasmi atau setidaknya dapat dikendalikan.

Kedua, mendiagnosa dan menginvestigasi masalah kesehatan dan bahaya-bahaya dalam komunitas. Sebagian besar masyarakat kurang sadar akan adanya bahaya mengintai di kehidupan sehari-hari mereka dan dapat menjadi risiko pada dirinya kapan saja dan dimana saja. Ini merupakan tanggung jawab para praktisi Public Health untuk selalu menghimbau, baik dalam skala perorangan maupun komunitas.

Tugas selanjutnya, member informasi, mendidik, dan menguatkan masyarakat tentang masalah-masalah kesehatan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mencegah masyarakat dari terjangkitnya penyakit dengan cara meningkatkan kewaspadaan diri. Memberi informasi kecil yang dapat berguna untuk kedepannya, seperti mengkonsumsi buah-buahan berserat dan bervitamin tinggi setiap hari dapat menjaga stamina dan daya tahan tubuh sehingga lebih kebal terhadap penyakit.

Keempat, mengembangkan hukum dan rencanayang mendukung usaha-usaha individu dan komunitas dalam kesehatan. Masyarakat Indonesia menanti praktisi-praktisi Public Health untuk melindungi hak paling dasar manusia yakni sehat. Sejumlah hukum yang menegakkan kesehatan dan juga hukum tentang Rumah Sakit masih perlu ditegakkan, diperkuat, dan jika diperlukan ditambahkan agar nikmat sehat dapat dirasakan oleh siapapun.

Kelima, menguatkan hukum dan peraturan yang melindungi kesehatan dan memastikan keselamatan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, hukum butuh diawasi. Merupakan kesia-siaan membuat suatu hukum tanpa adanya pengawasan. Meskipun hukum dan peraturan ini merupakan untuk menjaga keselamatan perorangan, namun tak jarang juga masih ada yang ingin melanggar. Maka praktisi Public Health diharapkan untuk mensosialisasikan hukum-hukum dan peraturan bidang kesehatan.

Keenam, menghubungkan orang dengan pelayanan kesehatan dan menjamin pelayanan kesehatan kedepannya. Masih banyak daerah yang belum terjangkau oleh pelayanan kesehatan professional, disinilah peran Public Health diperlukan, bukan sebagai orang yang memberikan tindakan kesehatan namun yang mengusahakan agar daerah-daerah yang belum memiliki sarana dapat terpenuhi kebutuhannya, dalam hal ini khususnya kesehatan.

Ketujuh, memastikan kinerja petugas kesehatan publik/ personal. Petugas kesehatan sudahlah pasti berpendidikan tinggi dan terampil, namun tidaklah ada manusia yang sempurna, karena kesempurnaan hanyalah milik-Nya, berangkat dari hal ini maka alangkah baiknya untuk saling mengingatkan sesama praktisi kesehatan agar hal-hal buruk dapat diminimalisir dalam pelayanan kesehatan karena bagai dalam satu perahu praktisi kesehatan memiliki tujuan yang sama yakni memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan kesehatan.

Kedelapan, mengevaluasi keefektifan, akses, dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan perorangan ataupun komunitas. Pelayanan kesehatan yang prima bukanlah hanya sekedar mendiagnosa dan memberikan resep pada pasien, namun interaksi dengan pasien juga diperlukan agar menambah tingkat kepatuhan pasien untuk mengikuti anjuran yang disarankan oleh praktisi kesehatan.

Dan terakhir, riset  untuk cara baru dan solusi yang inovatif untuk masalah kesehatan. Sebagai pelajar, sudah selayaknya untuk selalu belajar sepanjang hayat. Begitu juga praktisi Public Health, diharapkan untuk selalu belajar dan menghasilkan solusi-solusi yang efektif untuk menanggulangi masalah kesehatan dan tidak berhenti ketika masalah selesai, melainkan terus melakukan inovasi-inovasi khususnya di bidang kesehatan agar kesehatan dapat selalu dinikmati oleh seluruh umat manusia.

Seperti pepatah mengatakan, health is not everything but without health everything is nothing. Sehat merupakan hal esensial bagi manusia, saat tubuh sehat baru seseorang dapat menjalani harinya secara produktif dan menghasilkan karya. Maka marilah bersyukur atas karunia-Nya dengan cara menjaga baik-baik seluruh fungsi tubuh agar tetap sehat.
Dari beberapa poin tugas-tugas pokok diatas, diharapkan para praktisi Public Health dapat terus mengembangkan kiprahnya membantu masyarakat Indonesia agar tercapai cita-cita Indonesia sehat 2015. 

:-B *nerd*
See ya, Bye :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rules to be boyfriend.

1. Treat your girlfriend like a princess.

2. Never, never let her down.

3. Stay with her through her good and bad times.

4. Never, never, never compare her to other girls. Because, girls are just beautiful in their own way.

5. Be honest with her.

6. Walk beside her.

7. Love her.

8. Love her.

9. Love her. Truly love her.

10. Because when you’re honestly love her, you’ll do all the rules, unconsciously.


Back to campus life. Get up wake up. Face reality. Hope everything will work out very well for this semester. Amen - God bless me and God is with me thru all my phase of life.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

1 Syawal 1432 H

HAPPY IED MUBARAK 1432 for all of you who celebrate :) 

What is your favorite movie (now) ?


So.. I found this song when I was flicking thru Youtube. Nice song by Marie Digby. Piano version :)

Stupid for you  - Marie Digby

It's not everyday
That I meet a person quite like you
Perfect every way
I finally found the nerve to confess that it's you - that I want
I don't care if I act a fool
I would damn near beg for you
Put aside, all my pride
So don't keep me hanging here
Cause this girl is falling stupid for you..
Oh, oh stupid for you.. (Repeat)

The proper thing to do
Is for me to act like a lady and wait
For you to make the first move

But I don't think you're getting the point
That it's you - that I want
I don't care if I act a fool
I would damn near beg for you
Put aside, all my pride
So don't keep me hanging here
Cause this girl is falling stupid for you
Oh, oh stupid for you

Why's it always feel like I am
Chasing love when nothing's there
And here I go just making the same mistakes...

I've fallen stupid for you..
oh, oh stupid for you..
oh, oh, oh, oh

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bella's lullaby

Anyone knows Bella's Lullaby song? Yeah that one Edward plays to Bella, recorded it and give it to her. I knew this song for a year maybe, but never seen someone play that live with piano until last night. My teacher did it when I'm in piano lesson and it was...beautiful yes, beautiful. Sweet. And romantic. The original version's title actually is River flows in you made by Yiruma. So I google it on Youtube and found this video. 

Can't help but melt. :3

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Only One by Sierra

Baby I need you more than before
Looking at those stars in the sky
They're beautiful tonight
Darling I won't let my feelings go
Coz you're the only one I have in my heart

So please stay with me forever
Til the end of my life
Til the end of my life

And so many years gone
I felt so secure
Coz I believe in you
And now that all I care
Is to be with you again
Oh, Darling
I love you more each day

Sweet song.
Calming :)
Today is the day for Kung Fu Panda 2 and Rio .
Well I could say, they're good and funny. Oh and the animation's great.

I can't stay seriously watching this movie. Hey it's kung fu! It must be full with action and blood usually. But look at this fat-plushy panda doing his moves haha can't stop laughing.
I recommend this movie for you who wants some laughter in your day. This film would help you much.

For Rio film
The story is quite common. Blu, the last male bird in his species, taken to Rio de Janeiro to meet the last female bird in her species in order to avoiding extinction. And they're got into their adventure against the villains who want to steal and sell them both. Very expected ending, but it's still fun to watch because there's much silly things can happen in bird's journey.
Beside, I should admit that the view of Rio de Janeiro in that movie was BREATH TAKING.
How they picture it was beautiful. Plus the birds are cute. :3

Rafael - Blu - Jewel

Sure, the real one's more AMAZING

 Oh God, take me there someday soon, pretty please..
Amen O:)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

From holiday with love

I'm a bad blogger, yeah I know. This is my first post again after 1 month maybe, I don't know. Since my dearest friend told me to start posting again, I've been thinking what should I write :D
I'm in my holiday right now which is means I have loooootta free time. Yeay! Even though there's no good plan for this holiday I still enjoy it. Holiday's never be a boring day, even when I'm doing nothing just wanna lay in my bed and don't feel like checkin on the phone I still love it haha :p. I mean who's hate holiday? Duh that person must be so hyperactive until he or she couldn't just sitting, browsing, and staring the monitor (like I did just now, and hey Google got new appearance! I've just realized) Ah, please forget the last part :p
Aaaand... I've watch The Vampire Diaries season 2! you know that show's on CW, like the tagline said "more blood" IT IS! I swear they have the baddest ending episode ever! Hey can you just leave people with their curiosity thinking what will happen to Stefan, he's a Ripper now.

And what happen to Jeremy after come back from his death, seeing people who already dead, scary things -,- Plus why it took so long to filming? And made us waiting til September. Yeah you succeed makes us hanging. :D
By the way I found the trailer for the season 3. Here it is (I guess there will be much Damon and Elena love-love scene :D)


But, have you ever think that there's just too many movies about supernatural creatures like this, let's say Twilight, True Blood, Teen Wolf and so on. This kinda movie sure affected some teenagers mind. Did you heard the news that told teenage boy from Texas attacked lady and confessed that he's a 500 years old vampire? Gosh. Sounds creepy. 
So my message. Please stay sane, when you watching this stuff.

Ok then, my duty to write something to post is done. Now I'm going back to my lazy-dazy activities. Umm so which one first? Watch movie, play games, or sleep? I have to think it tho :D

Have a nice day people! :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why you so cruel to Indonesia, Warner Bros? Why you're not letting last Harry Potter movie showing here? Why?
Aaaaaa I want it I want it so badly :(((((


Big or small, lies are still lies.

Wish upon a star

I wish I have boyfriend who care enough to just check my blog. Even for only once in a week, or maybe when he have free time. Just to check what I'm feeling that i keep it unsaid. I wish..

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sunday blues

My higshcool memories are priceless. Aaaaa I miss them.. a lot :')
Maybe someday I will write them in a novel, and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a best-seller because it's just too amazing, unforgettable one, and so on.. :D
If only I have Doraemon, I would only ask two things, first the time tunnel, second the anywhere door and my life would be totally complete ha :D
So whenever I miss them I'll just go back with the time tunnel and watch it all over again. I wish O:)


People can never be compared, no matter how hard you try, you still can't. Because they are unique in their own way. Then, be proud of yourself, every you are one of a kind :)

Dedicated to all girls :)

Lesson I've learned today is : BOYS WILL BE BOYS.
Yeah, no matter how many times he says he loves you,  or he says he's truly deeply madly in love with you , one thing they can't change, the fact that they can never quit from their natural habit : FLIRTING.
So just to be prepared, never gives him a chance to fill your whole heart, save a little for yourself, in case something unexpected happen, it won't feel so hurt ;)

Be smart, you beautiful things :)

p.s ; If you're disagree, leave a comment wouldn't harm

Saturday, June 04, 2011

And this one too. I still can see the way your eyes, those tears almost fall. :')
I don't know why but this song is suddenly popped up in my mind. Hehe. Listening to this song makes me flashback-ing. And even I can smell the air freshener too. Ah :') Why I have to be so over-melodramatic?

There are so many things running in my mind, but… I don't know what to write.

Well let me begin by..

This is Sunday it means tomorrow is Monday. I hope it's no Manic Monday, you know that song? I know that song from Cutting Edge books- published by Pearson (correct me if I'm wrong) it's my English course book actually. Ok, I'm not gonna talk about that song it's just opening. Well, it's been holiday for 4 days in my country means long weekend but after 3 days passed and this is the last day I feel like Aaaaa I want some more!!! Please I need much more Saturday and Sunday!! Gosh, maybe I'm a little bit depressed by knowing tomorrow is Monday, it's kinda stress, you know? But not the serious one, my friend told me she read from the book, when.. you know this situation, after you had holiday and tomorrow you have your routines back, you feels like sooo lazy and it creep you out then yeah you feel a little bit stress. But don't worry it happens almost to everyone and it's actually normal (I guess :P)

So as we know, from toddler grow up to kids and then teenager to young adult we should go to the class, sit and listening to the teacher or lecturer. Have you ever feel boring? Answer yourself :D

At the end of this day, I just wish when I woke up the calendar shows me it is Saturday again! :)


Me <3

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I heart this Quote

Because that’s love, right? when you know somebody better than they do & when you would do anything in the world to protect them.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Banda Atjeh

Ok this is what I've promised to you. Well, in a month ago i went to my hometown. This isn't really my hometown because I'm not grow up there and never been there too. This is my grandma's hometown actually but since my granny's moved to the big city so...yeah that was my very first time visited Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Here's a little story about Serambi Mecca town (other name for Banda Aceh) it was once hit by Tsunami waves in the end of 2004. Unlike in Japan which is so well-prepared to face this kind of tidal wave Aceh's people didn't know or even noticed that waves would come to the land and dragged them back to the sea. And in very short time Tsunami waves successfully ruined everything, took many souls and separated them from the one their loves, tragic. This kind of natural disaster touches every heart human in the world and not take time too long helps for Banda Aceh comes from many country such as America, Japan, Germany and so on. Thank you for the help now Aceh can smile again after being restored :")

So here's some picture which I've took there :

Visit Banda Aceh 2011

This caused by Tsunami waves. These trees were dead :(

Aceh is surrounded by sea

Let's visit Banda Aceh 2011 :)
Me <3

Monday, May 09, 2011

Oh my God. It's already May, and I haven't posted what I've promise. :P So sorry because I haven't taken those picture which I'm gonna post. Okay then wait me to post it as soon as possible :)

Have a great day fellas! :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

NEW POST IN PROGRESS------------------------------

Friday, April 08, 2011

Monday, April 04, 2011

When will my life begin by Rapunzel

7 AM, the usual morning lineup:
Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15.

And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?

Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking
Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb,
Sew a dress!

And I'll reread the books
If I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more,
I'm sure there's room somewhere.
And then I'll brush and brush,
and brush and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place I've always been.

And I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin'
And wonderin' and wonderin'
When will my life begin?

And tomorrow night,
Lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year.
What is it like
Out there where they glow?
Now that I'm older,
Mother might just
Let me go ...

Catchy song! :)

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Q for Quote

Rules to be trendsetter : Get used to be mocked by other if you wear or do something different, because who mock you today is the one who will use your style tomorrow -- Me

p.s : If you're agree then good, but if you're not, feel free to leave a comment ;)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who Says by Selena Gomez

[Selena Gomez - Verse 1]
I wouldn’t wanna be anybody else.
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
[Selena Gomez - Verse 2]
It’s such a funny thing
How nothing’s funny when it’s you
You tell ‘em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth
It’s like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won’t let you touch the sky
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
Who says you’re not start potential
Who says you’re not presidential
Who says you can’t be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don’t pass the test
Who says you can’t be the best
Who said, who said
Won’t you tell me who said that
Yeah, oh
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

U for Unique

These are what makes me unique :
First, I wear watch in my right wrist
Second, I love a little over-cooked food
Third, I love books and textbooks are not in the list :P
Fourth, I love the smell of new book
Fifth, I love fantasy romance genre of novel
Sixth, I love playing games especially the simulation one
Seventh, of course I love The Sims and all the expansions
Eighth, I'm sorry but this is a mistake I should put it in the first : I love my God, my Prophet, family, friends, boyfriend ( I know sounds boring eh? :P)
Ninth, I love languages and If God let me I really looking forward to study languages as many as I can
Tenth, I love myself so much and so grateful for everything is in me, even there's always time when I'm like um.. yeah blaming situation why God have to create me as me not me as you or me as her. I know you know what I mean :D
Eleventh, I have so many fantastic friends, and I love them
Twelfth, I love drama series like Ugly Betty, The Vampire Diaries, BBF and those I can mention one by one :D
Third, I love musics
Fourteenth, and so on and so on
Fifteenth, I know you can find those things in other people but you can't find this combination except in me :)

So, what makes you unique? :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

written on Sunday, 27th of March 2011, 08:08

Until  I'm writing this post I still don't know what best topic to write. There's nothing sensational things happened in my life recently, so I can't write about my life. There's no interesting books I've read too, unless microbiology, medical anthropology, and pathology are categorized as 'interesting book' :P. And there's no such good movie I've watched means there's no movie review.
But.. hey what about this quotes : You can break my heart, or hurt my body, but you can never touch my soul.
I'm so agree with that quote. The part : you can never touch my soul was absolutely right. Our soul's are so strong that nobody can touch it even ourselves.
Anyway, what is the soul word really mean? From wikipedia : soul in etymology means life, spirit, being. In noun word means The spirit or essence of a person usually thought to consist of one's thoughts and personality. Often believed to live on after the person’s death. Wow. Then our soul must be the most great part in our life. And where's that great soul placed in our body? I don't know, you answer :)
The good fact : Our soul can do much things better than our body can. Wanna prove it? Get your soul focus on what you want, and it will find you a way to achieve it.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Gnomeo and Juliet

Was......... Funny :D
For all animation-lover my message is : You should watch this movie because it's worth it.

Gnomeo- Juliet- Flower

Gnomeo- Flower- Juliet :D

I'm stuck here. LOL

Blue and Red

“Oh, Gnomeo, Gnomeo, are we really doomed to never see each other again? Why must you wear a blue hat? Why couldn’t it be red like my father, or green like… like a leprechaun… or purple like, ummm, like some weird guy - I mean what’s in a gnome? Because you are blue, my father sees red, and because I am red, I am feeling blue. Oh, at any rate that shouldn’t be the thing to keep us apart, should it?”

Then the message from this film is : Love is (not) tragedy :)

Are you strong enough to read this?

Be strong, keep strong, and always strong!
This words are for those people who in pain, hurt, trouble, or obstacles in life.
Don't make this get you down, or even give up. Stay strong, your head up high and smile :) show to the world who you truly are.
Because there will always be a solution for every problem, and remember God will never test you with a big case unless He know you can go through it! 
And don't forget to always be patient (even me who write this have a problem with stock of my patient, but I'll always try to have more and more) 'cus as we know there's time which can heal ANYTHING :)
So, shed up your tears, stop doing drama, look at the solution not the problem and tell to yourself  that you absolutely can stand through this kind of situation.

My best regards,

Monday, March 14, 2011


God must have a plan before creating us. This sentences was playing in my mind recently.
Have you ever think about that? Or maybe you already found what is the plan that God put in yourself before sending you to earth? Honestly, I haven't found it yet. I still keep wondering what is actually God have planned for me. Is it something big? or huge? or maybe small? I think I'll choose the huge :)
But I know whatever it is must be the best for me because it come from The Greatest One My God O:)
All I have to do now is do my best in everything and never forget to pray.
And I wish I am now in my right track because God makes no mistake right? quoting from Born this way by Lady Gaga :P

a girl who's on her way to believing :)

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Welcoming 2nd semester :)

Say "bye-bye" to my precious holiday :'') 
My 2nd semester was begun on 1st March. And it's soooo hard to wake up early, take a shower while the air's so comfortable to sleep and go to campus. But for my future I'll do everything :D
I hope in this sem everything will be better than the first. And for the IP too. I wish I can get higher than before. Amen O:)

Bless me Bless you,

Friday, March 04, 2011

Pretty Betty

Finally I've finished watching ugly betty season 4 :') I'm sure, gonna miss youuuu Betty and Daniel! Why there's no Ugly Betty season 5? Why? Whyyyy? (Ok sorry that's lil bit too over :P)
My favorite episode was the episode 19 : The Past Present the Future. Hilda and Bobby's wedding. Isn't that eps sooo sweet? Right? And there's many sweet songs too reaallyy love it!
Here's songs that I found:

1. FM Radio - Be My Only 
Yess this songs played when Hilda and Bobby said I do.

2. Renee Olstead - A Love That Will Last
Well, this song's soundtrack Princess Diaries 2 too. But who cares? They put this song at the very right moment :)

3. Ana Ortiz ft Kyle Puccia
I don't know whether this song's is in Ugly Betty or not. But the singer is Ana Ortiz a.k.a Hilda, Betty's sister. I found this song in youtube and yes yes yes this sweet!

4. Macy Gray- Beauty in the world
This song's appeared in the very last scene. After Betty asked Daniel to be her assistant. Almost makes me cry :P

Sweet me,
Bye! :)

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

watch Tv-Show for FREE

Hey. I've just found this site : while I'm searching for Ugly Betty season 4 eps 18 "London Calling" and yaay it's in there. The website is all about tv-show. So you can find The Vampire Diaries, How I Met Your Mother, Gossip Girls (I love this series too <3 do you?) , 90210 and others oh yeah Ugly Betty too :D
If you wanna download one of those you should install Graboid video player first or.. if you don't feel like download-ing then just watch online. The best thing about this site is free you don't have to sign up and fill the How would you pay this- column, you can just download or watch it.

Happy watching then :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

captioned from Ugly Betty season 4

Daniel  : I've know you for ever, I know your face when you are happy
Betty    : I am happy
Daniel  : no, you are not, this face, is not your happy face

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

It was last year when I started to read the first book of this series because it's just translated to my native language: Indonesian :) And thanks to the translator he or she made a good work I love reading this series like I love Harry Potter mmm but wait...I think I love HP more :P *sorry Cassie ^,^v* but this is of course an amazing works. I think you who love fantasy genre book will actually love this series. It tells us about shadowhunter, vampire, werewolf, fairy, and others supernatural creation. Cassie made the story very alluring, you'll read the book and feel like not-gonna-stop until you finish reading. Because that's exactly what I felt :D
I've read three of their six books. City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass. At first I thought it was trilogy and then I asked Cassandra Clare (the author, on twitter @cassieclare ) she told it has six books and then I feel like 'wow' I really wanna read the forth book but unfortunately, it haven't released here yet :(
If you're already curious about the story then I suggest you to go to nearest bookstore and buy one. Hope you'll like it just like me ;) (ps; I don't get paid for telling you this info, I only shared what I've read :D

Happy reading then :)
Have a sweetest day everyone! :) :) :) lots of smile :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Check check.

Do you have tumblr account? Well if you do have, you should follow mine : then directly I'll follow yours too :) And, for you who don't, no worries just check out my tumblr and create your own account. FYI my page filled with love, just love- no harm :D

Spread love and peace :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

You name it.

Hola hola!
Im watching 'playfull kiss' korean drama series right now. Ay ay I know, it must be many schweeet scene there. You have to watch it too. Here is the cover.

And, I'm playing The Sims 3 World Adventure. I know I know, sounds so last year? but since I have so many things so little time it's ok rit? :P .Btheway anyone have played Ambition or Late Night?

Also I'm playing IT GIRL, you know that girl game in facebook? If you do play, then you should add me to be your clique :D (p.s; my boyf play it girl too haha :D)

'kay, Have a great weekend ladies and gentleman.
Live, Love, Laugh :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011


These are songs I'm listening to it right now.. Take a look.

1. Everything at once by Lenka

2. Born this way by Lady Gaga

3. Crocodile rocks by Nelly Furtado ft. Elton John

4. Candles by Hey Monday

5. Silly love songs by Glee Cast

Enjoy :)

Gnomeo and Juliet

I really wanna watch this movie.. Ah, excited :D

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Sorry for making you a bit confused because the title. Hope you don't mind :P
Well, actually i have no idea what I have to post. But let me tell you about what happened to my life recently.
I'm in kinda-boring-but-since-i-always-love-holiday-i-LOVE-it type of holiday or free day.
Yay it's FREE DAY which is means I can freely doin' whatever I want, what time do I have to sleep or wake, where I wanna go and so on and so on. Although I can FREELY do whatever I wanna do. Mostly I only spent much much much my time watching DVD. Sounds lame? Mmm not really I think In fact, I like it, almost love it haha. Til now I've successfully watched :
1. Ugly Betty season one two three *anyone wanna buy me the season four? :P *
2. The Vampire Diaries *And I'm really lookin forward to watch the season 2, but what can I do the DVDs haven't released yet since the show is still shwing on CW :( *
3. Personal Taste *it's Korean drama series you know this type, cute girl meet handsome boy, funny stories and romantic, can't help but melt :P and I watched this because my favorite actor is playing.. Yes, LEE MIN HO*

Still I have in my queue : My Girlfriend is Gumiho and Playfull Kiss. My friends recommended it. Hopefully these movies are interesting.

But I'm not desperately watching movies, internet-ians in my whole holidays. I did hang out with my friends. Unfortunately, I can't reach most of them :( it's distance matter.
Well, I guess I've ran out my words. So this all for now. Thank you for visiting my page and waste your precious time to read my not-so-precious posting but still worth to read :D

Don't do drugs and laugh out loud,

Friday, January 28, 2011


I'm watching Vampire Diaries right now. Hope the movie was awesome like everyone said. So, I gotta go. I have a meeting with Stefan, Damon, and Elena. Maybe you should watch this series too if you're a twilight fan because it much about vampire stuff and 'hawt' boys including. :D

Bite you,
Ta! :)

Friday, January 21, 2011


I can smell holiair. I mean holiday air. After 2 weeks pushing my brain to memorize ol those exam materials. Gah gah. Congratulation to me! and Congratulation to you too my B. (Hope the result is goodly good. Amin)
Happy holiday to all college student who just finished their final exam yesterday.
Happy happy go round!

Cheers :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

wismilak for finale exam!

To whoever read my post,

start from 9 january ago til next 21 I'm facing my final exam,
been studied pretty hard and I really wish the mark is pretty good too. Amin O:)
Soo wish me luck for the rest of exam! 
Thanks :)